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The Australasian College of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ACPAN) was convened to promote the professional development of post anaesthesia and anaesthesia nurses through regular meetings, accredited education events, certification, university scholarships, standards and guidelines development, national conference events and publication of newsletters.

ACPAN liasies and consults with ANZCA and ASA to advocate and promote perianaesthesia nursing best practice through development of professional practice standards, guidelines, statements and training guidelines across Australia.

ACPAN collaborates with and supports national and international perianaesthesia nursing, medical and non-medical organisations to benchmark professional practice and training and to ensure its members have access to best practice trends.




Coming Events

ACPAN Professional Development

ACPAN Level 1

Anaesthesia Nurse Certification is Open.

ACPAN Level 1

Post Anaesthesia Nurse Certification is Open.

Clinical Fellowship

Clinical Fellowship is Open.


ACPAN Accreditation

ACPAN is pleased to provide an accreditation service for all education providers who aim to enhance knowledge, skills and theory relative to the perianaesthesia nursing profession therefore, leading to improved health outcomes for our community.

ACPAN Accreditation provides a national benchmark for the perianaesthesia nursing profession. The accreditation process is designed to enable nurses to recognise that ACPAN Accredited Education providers:

are assessed against a set of standards that are developed in-line with professional nursing and education requirements

comply with the standards set by ACPAN

contribute to perianaesthesia nurses’ education and professional development

For Anaesthesia and Post Anaesthesia Nurses


To be the recognised authority for excellence and leadership in perianaesthesia nursing care.


Support and promote safety and quality in evidence based practice and foster collaboration in the perianaesthesia community